New nanny on the go


According to this website :

‘Crude oil and natural gas production account for 60% of GDP and more than 90% of exports.’

Ha. And now oil price is as low as $48 per barrel, almost half as last year’s price. Of course, Brunei can’t stop producing, it’s our country’s source of income. In term of education, bruneians are mostly educated and flooded with graduates from universities either local or overseas.

But most of Bruneians still depends on amah or housekeeper including us. Then I got the idea… what if I establish online nanny company. Those who are still unemployed or waiting for a-level or o-level results can join and become a nanny anytime they want. And they can ask how much they charge per hour or per day or per month. Like airbnb, but instead of bnb, it’s airnanny. haha. Or airhousekeeper. So you can rate nanny and the nanny can rate the employee. Both employer or nanny cannot mistreat each other. And people can judge based on the rating and comments. They can contact each other by themselves. It’s just an idea. This can help local bruneians and also struggling overseas who stay in Brunei. The founder of the company, Hanafi and I, are only the mediator who are in charge of the website. Should we name it Like the idea hanafi? 😉

Of course, being a nanny is not the easiest job in the world. The most important thing is COMMUNICATION with the parents and SABR.

Look at Hassan. Sound asleep. Kidding. He was only sleeping for less than an hour.

Fatih and her unique ideas.


Aha. No trousers. Haha. Thank you Hanafi. For accompanying me.


Jjangmyun for my lunch/hitea. Haha. Not my fav.


But this definitely is my fav.

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Another family gathering.

thumb_IMG_2496_1024 thumb_IMG_2497_1024 thumb_IMG_2498_1024Was being silly. Haha. Sorry Lina. You were not in the picture but you were there.

Such a memorable day. Alhamdulillah.

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