

Sorry, I haven’t updated in a while. Since last sunday was it? It’s not that I was busy. It’s just… I had a lot of thinking inside my head. Need to declutter a bit. hahathumb_IMG_2587_1024

Look at that glowing face. Me so jelly. She inspired me to be better, and to aim for that barakah in life. Yes, that’s the most important thing. Success in dunia and akhirat. Need to work on that.

Look at this one below. Hehe. Teddy bear gift from my nephew’s gf. Not to me. To my nephew. So cute. I wonder how they feel to each other really. Hanafi and I.. didn’t really exchange gift unless if there’s special occasion, I think. We probably need to do that more… after marriage perhaps. Haha. Not now. Kapih kapih. thumb_IMG_2584_1024 thumb_IMG_2567_1024Still babysitting. And now he’s better behaved than before. It’s the last nanny job for me. Gonna miss it.

New Aircond! Ha.

Need to declutter.. declutter.. declutter..

Owh. And I got my result today. I got 2.1 for my degree. Alhamdulillah. Need to move on to the next level and phase of life. 😉 #prayformetogetadecentjob #needmoneytomaintainandcleanmyhouse #Ifotgotwealsoneedmoneytoeatwhyisitnotmyfirstpriority #whylonghashtaghoho #tillnexttimeinsyaAllahthumb_IMG_2603_1024

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