

The kingdom of unexpected treasure, yup, that’s Brunei. 

Woke up early, 1.30am in the morning by mama. Shocked the tube went out of the throat. Tried to push it but couldn’t. ‘Painful’, mama said. Who would have heart to push tube to their own mom? Can doctors even do it to their own mom? Hee.. But at that time I thought, why didn’t I become a doctor? 😂

Mama, bapa and I went to the hospital. It took 2 doctors and 1 nurse to push the tube back inside the throat. Felt ngilu to think of it. Alhamdulillah it was a success but I still worry if there’s any complication as a result of that. I saw blood this morning came out of mama’s throat. Huhu. Get well soon mama. 

The doctor said it’s because of the looseness of the band around mama’s neck. He does not really know the real reason how did that happen. The nurse said maybe mama was mengigau last night and loosened the band. 😂 

The I went asleep probably at 3.30ish am and woke up at 11.30 am. 😂 So not ladylike. Ha ha. 

Hanafi asked if I can beraya with him to her friend’s house. I did. The food was soo nyaman and the cottage was lovely and cute. It’s like english country cottage. Oswestrians did stay one week at one of our teacher’s house and we did visit Liza’s home once. Hmm.. Yeah. Brings back memories. 

Cute right? I don’t dream to be like Martha Stewart ish mother. Sorry Hanafi. My dream is not that big. I want to be a boss or CEO or a founder of a big company that even my great great great great grandchild know my name. Hahaha. See Hanafi? It’s that simple 😏
Bapa’s friend went to our house for a raya. Adorable kid! Half vietnamese half bruneian. He only understands vietnamese. Cute.

Alhamdulillah for today. ❤️☺️

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