On time 


Hanafi.. Are you the only one who reads my blog? You’re the only one who knows this site. Haha. I can see there are about 8 viewers today from Brunei. Did you click it 8 times? 😂 Just to see if I already update it. 

As you can see from the address of this site, it’s just little things. Not major or fabulous events (not that I think there’ll be glamorous event in my life). Maybe once? During wedding day? *keepondreaming* 😂 nope. I don’t expect much. I only want simple wedding. Simple but beautiful. 

For my wedding day.. I don’t want to be wasteful. Every presents must be something that is useful to the guest. Like rice.. Or detergent. Wedding + charity event?

Also, it is a trend now that the bride and the groom talk about how they meet each other. How and why they love each other. How to love after marriage. Etc etc. I don’t want that. Haha. It’s good to have secrets between us. Only both of us know and of course Allah. Even if the groom said, ‘I will love you forever’ in that video.. Is not something that I want. The video must be something that we shall watch every anniversary. Haha

The most important parts are:

1) The syarat. The one that imam give advice before the groom says aku terima nikahnya. (So that we remember the dos and don’ts) 

2) The moment when the groom says aku terima nikahnya. 

3) The third most important. I don’t want us to talk. Maybe just a little. Saying a thank you or terima kasih to each other. Haha. The ones who should be interviewed are our parents. The bride’s parents. And the groom’s parents. They have more experience than us. They have stayed together since we are borned. I would like to have their advice being recorded on our wedding day. They are old, and as we become older, they also become older. Their child’s happiness is also theirs. 

4) The siblings. Saying one or two words? Haha

5) Friends. One word? Haha

6) Guests. Silent. 

The reason I write about this is.. Everytime I watch the video.. I don’t even know who their parents are. I know it’s the day that they are the highlights of the event. At the same time, it seems that people too focus on love. I don’t want my children to see their parents hugging on the wedding day. I more like the children to see the wedding day as the day when their parents are celebrated around the people that they love aka their parents, family and friends. 

Okay.. What did I do on friday. Nothing much. I stayed at home the whole day. Cleaning the house. Playing with nieces and nephews. 

I paid haziqah to wash my hair. Only costs me $2.

I paid afifah, mahmud and ahmad to help me cleaning the fridge. Costs me $2 each. Haha. 

It was fun though. I love the feeling of clean. I love that before and after effect. And now I am getting used to bleach smell. 

And what makes me happy the most on that day is… I prayed earlier. Almost on time. I am usually worried.. I usually said it in my mind.. ‘Okay. Still got time. After I finish this and this. I pray.’ That’s not a good mindset. Terrible. 

Just think it like this. You have a boss. He said every 5 hours, you must finish this 10 mins task. If not, I deduct your salary. If you can do it within time limit, I give you salary. Of course you want to please your boss. And do it on time. 

This is your boss’s big boss. It’s like sultan’s boss. In fact, it’s every makhluk’s boss. Ha. Who are you to delay? I think.. It’s also easier for me to organize things. Like.. Okay, between zuhur and asar, what should I do. In prioritizing solat, above anything, you can be more productive. Less worrying. 😊 happy right? And if you bring other people into praying on time and early, you have less worry too, right? Something that is so simple but not many people practice it. I hope I can constantly remember to pray not only on time but as early as possible. 


Aha.. I wokr up. Determined to cook sambal pusu. Yay. Then I had meetings. Then hanafi asked if I want to join them to eat at Charcoal. 

Still found it awkward. I don’t know if it’s language boundary or something must be wrong with me. Ka wani said it was normal for her to feel shy. 

Hanafi’s brothers are okay. They are all boys. Haha. My nephews are naturally manja to me. But hanafi’s brothers.. I don’t actually know what to do. Should I be fun sister to them.. Or should I be a stern sister.. I usually dulur my nephews. To dulur hanafi’s brothers.. Is beyond my capabilities. I’m just kawan. 😅

Then I met Dilah! Long time no see. You still are the same to me.   

Look delicous? Maybe not yet. But it is delicous. Mwahaha  

I miss this little boy. Huhu

Again, mama, bapa and I went to Jerudong beach to buy some durians. I am happy. Alhamdulillah 😊 

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