

My English is not even that good to write though I have to sell myself that I am good and fluent english speaker. Haha 

Being 4 years in Uk and 3 years in Oz should make me an excellent speaker. Well… ๐Ÿ˜… something must be wrong with me. I must have possesed some of Fatih behaviour. Ignorance. 

Went out with Syaz yesterday for morning breakfast. I always be there if you need someone to talk to. Friends are cheaper therapist right? And you need someone trustworthy who won’t tell your problems to others. InsyaAllah, I try my best. Though I think it’s actually hard for myself to express personal things about myself to anyone.. Unless people ask. Sometimes it’s hard to bring the topics up. We feel afraid to let the atmosphere down. So.. Without hesitation, I asked her problem. How do you feel right now.. Etc etc. 

Syaz is a great daughter, good to her family and care for her brothers. Also a great cook. Obedient to her parents. I think.. She is more obedience than me. Something that I would love to do.. I am more like a spoiled child to my family. Not something that I can be proud of. Men failed to see because it’s not something that she shows off of. You know this only if you really know her, if you are close to her. I don’t know what men are thinking. Like hanafi said.. Most men see on the looks first. ๐Ÿ˜‘ Is looks that important? Inner beauty is more important right? 

I pray the best for her. I hope she changed for the better soon. Aamiin. (I did say last last year about tudong to her.. And she said she wasn’t ready). Hard for me to post your pic. ๐Ÿ˜‘

Then I went out for lunch with Grah. I thought she wanted to talk about something. But she didn’t. She was hungry and tired. Haha. Need lunch buddy. 

I had plans with hanafi after lunch time but found it hard to tell grah or anybody except my family. Not because I was ashamed of Hanafi, no. Because I was shy about it. I knew it’s not the right thing to do.. But I did it anyway. Being open about it was hard . I don’t want people to follow my footstep. 

I thought.. Being together when we’re not yet married is easier. No strings attached. No responsibilities. You meet your significant others at your best condition (maybe does not apply to me). Hence, easier for you to be hooked. While in marriage, you see the bad, the good. Not everything you see is perfect and good. So.. Don’t set your hope or expectation too high. 

But first, get a job! You have to eat to survive. Haha
Then I had courage to tell Grah the truth that Hanafi asked to go out to write cv and apply jobs. Grah was okay with it. We went to coffee zone. The place was okay. But the food.. Hmm..   

After grah left us, Hanafi’s brother called. Ferrari aka si Napi was not feeling well. The vet said.. The temperature was low. But they didn’t know the cause of it. Probably virus. They gave him vaccination and dripped fluid to his skin. It’s a 50:50 percent chance of surviving. A sad atmosphere indeed. 

They said.. Just wait for his condition to change. And bring him back to vet tomorrow morning.

And miraculously, with the blessings from Allah, he became better that night. Can meow meow. Huhuhu. Alhamdulillah. 

So this is how you feel when you have someone under your care and responsibilities. Well.. It’s not my cat.. But I can feel you. Hehe. You hope for the best for something that you love. 

So.. Be a better children. So that you can uplift your parents burden. Every parents wants the best for their child. Your happiness is their happiness. ๐Ÿ˜Š Be good!




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