

Today was a special day. πŸ™Š 

We had pre-risik two weeks before, now risik becomes pre-engagement. πŸ˜‚ 

Everything was last minute. I had meetings the previous day and had to babysit lina’s children. I was quite nervous honestly. Because I was nervous, I tried to run from that nervousness. Haha 

Sempat lagi tu beraya previous night. The night before pun I managed to discuss with bapa about the list. 

A bit of challenge in the morning. Especially when I thought I was alone. And my family is a bit of last minute type. Who thinks positively. Who think that we can manage things on time. Sempat lagi tu bergosip (when they finally arrived). πŸ˜… 

Then bapa lectured and cakap karang inda sempat. 1 hour is not that long you know.

He was right. Of course. 

And of course, we managed to set up everything on time. Especially with Isa’s organizing skills. I believe that he can be a good catering manager. Haha. May Allah Bless him. 

Little did we know that Hanafi’s side gave us something. And now some people might misunderstood and think that I’m engaged. Ohwell πŸ˜‚ alhamdulillah everything went well.

Looking forward for the next event! ☺️ 

I feel calmer now. I think hehe

Sorry hanafi πŸ™Š we should’ve taken picture together in your car πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š 



I’m actually nervous. This week will be very hectic. I need to relax and calm down. 

My brain can’t stop thinking. I feel restless. I can’t stop thinking of my future, our future, and I even think of pension life (and I’ve been only working for 6 months. Ha ha). I wonder. When should I start? When will I start? Where should I invest?

Calm down. And breath. 

For sure, if it is my rezeki, insyaAllah, it will be meant to be. 

I should start doing the kelulut business haha instead of thinking further and further something that is impractical and not affordable. 

Somehow, writing this calms me down. πŸ˜‚ 

Goodnight, this blog is no longer berhabuk. 



Been awhile


My life is disorganised. Things are falling apart. Sometimes I feel that I’m losing myself. I don’t know what to prioritize because there are so many things to do! 

Basically, I lost focus. 

And I know the reason.

Because I forgot the basic things in life, the foundation of life. The reason why I’m doing things in life.

To become a better muslim. ❀️

Each and everyday. 

I couldn’t calm down because I forgot this verse. 

‘Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah – Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.’ (13:28)

I couldn’t calm down because I wasn’t istiqamah in reading Al-Quran. I was thinking logically. 

InsyaAllah, I’m trying. To become a better muslimah.