Road to Fitness


Hanafi asked me to write different plans/roads haha 

Not that I am a great writer 💁🏻 or those that can inspire others. 

#roadtofitness blog. 

And I’m writing this while laying on my bed. Hahaha About fitness. Such an irony. 

The key of success: focus what you want to achieve.

1. Drink a lot of water. 7 glasses of water.

2. Drink green tea (nya orang bagi kurus) 3 times a day. Morning, lunch and dinner. 

3. Eat more frequently (but small portion) fruits. Fruits. Fruits. 

4. Don’t eat sugary stuff

5. Eat dried fruits like raisins etc if you want something sweet

6. Eat more vegetables and fruits. 

7. Remember to count your calories (if you know how to) haha 

8. You are what you eat 

9. Share/tapau half if you have lunch out. If not, make sure you burn all those calories at night. 


1. Do exercise at least three times a week. 

2. Set a schedule for example: 

Tuesday: jog 5 km

Thursday: jog 5 km

Saturday: hiking 3 km 

3. Or if it is overwhelming, you can do some brisk walk 20 mins every day

4. Don’t forget to work out as well. To shape your body. This should be done three times a week as well. 

For my self.. I opt for working out 3 times a week and jog/hike if someone asked me to. Hehe 


Fitness Guru D

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