Nโ€™s first clinic appointment

Went to Rimba’s clinic today. Alhamdulillah she’s healthy and normal. N cried when the nurses measured her weight and height. She weigh 4.25kg and quite tall. She still has runny nose. Get well soon N! Our first baby. Then we went to GK’s restaurant.

At noon we realised H’s fb was hacked. So goodbye fb. Reminiscing old memories.

Mama’s blood sugar level and pressure are still high. Wondering why other siblings not showing their concern on our parents’ wellbeing.

Hope everything will get better, aamiin.



Wedding preparation part 1


Can you believe it that I’m getting married soon? 1 month ish left. We just had our appointment with the photographer. Other than that, we also need to finalize our house plan.

To think positively, Alhamdulillah, I’m engaged, I have work, I have my family and friends.

Sometimes I did stress out. Even for little things like invitation cards, writing, project planning, thinking of future, preparation..

Now I’m thinking that I need to move on.

To marriage life, to the better future insyaAllah, to be a better person each and everyday.

Sometimes your past can drag you down but it’s actually all in your head.

We haveย to be positive in life. ๐Ÿ™‚

To do something that can give you pahala and redha Allah fi dunia wa akhirah.

Dunia is temporary anyway.

We just have to be patience. Have courage and be kind ๐Ÿ™‚

Point to remember are:

  1. Be positive and enjoy.
  2. Don’t be stressed out no matter what.
  3. Take a deep breath.
  4. Khatam your Al-Quran. haha






Day 4: Sleepover

My nephews are having a sleepover. I’ll do my best to become a good auntie who can hopefully inspire them (unlikely but hopeful). 

I haven’t been a good example to them. I often say busy. Busy is not the right mindset to have. It’s good to be productive but not busy. 

All of us have 24 hours a day. And those days won’t be replayed. It will be gone forever.

Appreciate things and be grateful. 

Be positive and smile always ๐Ÿ˜Š

Fire extinguisher


Lots of things happened today. From kebun fire fire, to real fire, to pokemon go to bakam to running away from bapa’s gaze. Haha

No, I’m not going to upload all the photos here. Not that I’m going to show something that would turn against me or us. No. No.

Stories to be unravelled in the future: 

29.9.17 and 1.10.17. (?) to be continued. 

Too tired to write. ๐Ÿ˜‚



Road to Recovery


I know this blog is about gratefulness. I am trying…

Last time my usrah mate and I discussed about depression. 

As a muslim, we can be sad.. 

But that sadness cannot be prolonged. As we have to believe this ayat;’La tahzan innaAllaha ma’ana.’ 

‘Don’t be sad, Allah is with you.’ 

The reason of our sadness or anxiety is because we don’t want to accept the taqdir. 

I’m now feeling sad… Heartache 

What’s the different between qadha and taqdir?

Qadha is things that we are destined to but not yet happened. It is something that can be changed by doa.

Taqdir is things that we cannot change. Because it’s already happened. We have to move on. 


I’m not destined to get married anytime soon. I’m trying to accept this. They say there will be tests between the wedding and engagement. And we’re actually having the test longer.. Hope we can pass it? 


Road to Jannah


Should have posted ‘road to jannah’ post more than once a week. 

Yes, I attend usrah. I love attending talks. Used to.

Recently I lost it. 

I stop watching ceramahs. I stop attending talks. I stop being active. Basically, I stop doing anything useful. I stop having that mindset of preaching people towards being good and preach to others too. Maybe I stop preaching myself too. In fact, even my ‘ibadah and hafazan are not something that I can be proud of. I still listen to mufti’s talk. But I stopped reading books. And start reading more facebooks or browsing through instagrams.

I wish for a comfort zone. Resting at home. Jalan-jalan during weekends. Doing nothing useful. Dating. In the end.. I feel empty. 

My days are becoming repetitive. Weekends then weekdays then weekends then weekdays. I don’t have anything that I’m looking forward to. Basically, I think I have lost directions. 

Of course I’m not saying that attending those talks and usrahs will guarantee you to jannah. No. Of course not.

However, it is a way for you to become closer to Allah. How can do things without learning how to do it first? Pandai sendirinya kali? 

Usrah is some kind of support system. Of course it’s not perfect and no one is perfect. But we have to try to reach up the sky.

“Remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.” [2:152]

Remember, it’s up to ourselves. What do you want in this life? 

This life is temporary. 

What we want is far but actually the deadline is closer than you think. 

Remember Me. How can you remember Allah? By doing ibadahs. Do all the fardhu first. Perfect all your ibadah fardhu first. Then followed by sunnah. (This is what I got from some talks I heard today).

Do you feel calm reading this post? If yes, it comes from Allah. If not, then every weaknesses in this post come from myself. 


Road to Vigilantย 


This is just random thought. I am afraid of loud sounds or orang teriak teriak. 

Because of what I’ve seen or experienced in the past. 

Hence, I hate confrontation that would lead to arguments that would end badly. 

H., I am sure that you don’t want to see how bapa angry. ๐Ÿ˜€ Please be careful on how you treat your future wife. Be careful, yeah? ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, I am already adult I guess. And life is not as easy as it was. 

Repetition of work and weekend. Not knowing what to do. What is the purpose of life? ๐Ÿ˜…

Hence, the importance of planning. ๐Ÿ™„

Haha this post macam rojak. Just like my brain currently. I need to rest and sleep. 

Missing H.


Trains of thoughts


I have difficulty in sleeping tonight. 

My mind can’t stop thinking. (Actually because I slept for few hours after coming back from work).

Hanafi asked me to stop thinking about the wedding. Sorry Hanafi, not that I can control it with all these no internet nonsense. ๐Ÿ˜ช

All I think about is how to make the wedding cost-effective.

I don’t want my wedding to be too extravagant. But I don’t want my wedding to be too simple either. Moderate is good enough. 

Expensive option:

1. Rizqun 

2. Nikah at home

Less expensive option:

1. Chancellor hall

2. Nikah at masjid ubd/masjid madang/masjid jame’/masjid jerudong 

According to my calendar… Early may is okay. End of july is a bit risky. Masjid ubd has muzakarah room, okay I think. And if masjid madang’s construction for the hall is going to be completed early next year.. That would be the best option, I think. 

Most important things are guests’ comfortability. In the end, marriage is ibadah. And all those preparations are for giving and sharing of happiness. Not to show off. 

I want to have my nikah at home.. But oh well.. My house is too small. And not everyone agrees to it. ๐Ÿ˜”

Tawakkal saja.. And hope for the best โ˜บ๏ธ


Road to happinessย 

Do what you love. I miss cooking. I wonder why I lost track of things that I used to love doing. No hobbies. No interests. No sports. No korean dramas. No badminton. No netball. No friends. No games. Boring person in the making. ๐Ÿ˜จ omigosh. What have I been doing? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Sleep, rest, work, date(?). Play and repeat I have a dream of travelling once a year (at least). But now I don’t know if I’m looking forward to travelling. With who? Why? When? Expensive. I don’t know if I can afford the wedding if I spend too much. 

No wonder pokemonGo excites me. I did buy the new Harry Potter book to read. Haven’t even open it yet ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ”ซ

All I think about is kawin, future, finance, family, children, friends. I should pause thinking about the wedding at least.

I wonder if I am actually losing my personality.

Sometimes I had a headache. Not because of sickness. Not really sure why. Thinking too much, maybe. But never occurred to me before. Not even when I was in arabic school. 

Does adulthood stress me out?

Calm down and repair yourself and your relationship with Allah. 

Calm down. 
