Stop waiting start doing


I need to instill the habit of writing early in the morning. Haha. To remember things that I am grateful of in the previous day and to motivate myself in the current day. 

They say that if you do things constantly for 21 days non-stop it can become a habit. 

Yesterday, I got a letter from PB. I opened it with my father in front of mama. Bapa was so confident that I got the job. Little did he know how difficult it is now to get a job. It’s worldwide problem I guess. Not just here. Looking at the oil price now, of course it would be extra difficult. Haha 

My result was 50-50. I wasn’t rejected, alhamdulillah, I wasn’t being offered with job either. I really thought that everytime we apply a job the answer can be either one. 

So yeah, my feelings were mixed up yesterday. I have to move on. 

Last night I was also invited to apply for positions at SO company. I was happy about it, it’s better than doing nothing at home and waiting. Being 26 and unemployed is not something that I can proud of. 

I had a deep thought about it last night. Thinking of pros and cons of applying. I don’t want to be choosy but if I were to be selected I want to be committed at that job. Being in the same office with Hanafi, is also not the right thing to do. How can you concentrate on work when I’m around? πŸ™Š Please don’t hire any women though, just me k. πŸ˜†

Also this reminds me of UBDians who got married because they are going to work together. So I decided that I can only work with Hanafi if we are already married. If we’re going to do things togethere I hope that there’s barakah in it. 

Alhamdulillah I made that decision. And now, it’s time to apply more jobs! ☺️ 

The process of me getting a job is quite adventurous. Haha