

My English is not even that good to write though I have to sell myself that I am good and fluent english speaker. Haha 

Being 4 years in Uk and 3 years in Oz should make me an excellent speaker. Well… πŸ˜… something must be wrong with me. I must have possesed some of Fatih behaviour. Ignorance. 

Went out with Syaz yesterday for morning breakfast. I always be there if you need someone to talk to. Friends are cheaper therapist right? And you need someone trustworthy who won’t tell your problems to others. InsyaAllah, I try my best. Though I think it’s actually hard for myself to express personal things about myself to anyone.. Unless people ask. Sometimes it’s hard to bring the topics up. We feel afraid to let the atmosphere down. So.. Without hesitation, I asked her problem. How do you feel right now.. Etc etc. 

Syaz is a great daughter, good to her family and care for her brothers. Also a great cook. Obedient to her parents. I think.. She is more obedience than me. Something that I would love to do.. I am more like a spoiled child to my family. Not something that I can be proud of. Men failed to see because it’s not something that she shows off of. You know this only if you really know her, if you are close to her. I don’t know what men are thinking. Like hanafi said.. Most men see on the looks first. πŸ˜‘ Is looks that important? Inner beauty is more important right? 

I pray the best for her. I hope she changed for the better soon. Aamiin. (I did say last last year about tudong to her.. And she said she wasn’t ready). Hard for me to post your pic. πŸ˜‘

Then I went out for lunch with Grah. I thought she wanted to talk about something. But she didn’t. She was hungry and tired. Haha. Need lunch buddy. 

I had plans with hanafi after lunch time but found it hard to tell grah or anybody except my family. Not because I was ashamed of Hanafi, no. Because I was shy about it. I knew it’s not the right thing to do.. But I did it anyway. Being open about it was hard . I don’t want people to follow my footstep. 

I thought.. Being together when we’re not yet married is easier. No strings attached. No responsibilities. You meet your significant others at your best condition (maybe does not apply to me). Hence, easier for you to be hooked. While in marriage, you see the bad, the good. Not everything you see is perfect and good. So.. Don’t set your hope or expectation too high. 

But first, get a job! You have to eat to survive. Haha
Then I had courage to tell Grah the truth that Hanafi asked to go out to write cv and apply jobs. Grah was okay with it. We went to coffee zone. The place was okay. But the food.. Hmm..   

After grah left us, Hanafi’s brother called. Ferrari aka si Napi was not feeling well. The vet said.. The temperature was low. But they didn’t know the cause of it. Probably virus. They gave him vaccination and dripped fluid to his skin. It’s a 50:50 percent chance of surviving. A sad atmosphere indeed. 

They said.. Just wait for his condition to change. And bring him back to vet tomorrow morning.

And miraculously, with the blessings from Allah, he became better that night. Can meow meow. Huhuhu. Alhamdulillah. 

So this is how you feel when you have someone under your care and responsibilities. Well.. It’s not my cat.. But I can feel you. Hehe. You hope for the best for something that you love. 

So.. Be a better children. So that you can uplift your parents burden. Every parents wants the best for their child. Your happiness is their happiness. 😊 Be good!




On timeΒ 


Hanafi.. Are you the only one who reads my blog? You’re the only one who knows this site. Haha. I can see there are about 8 viewers today from Brunei. Did you click it 8 times? πŸ˜‚ Just to see if I already update it. 

As you can see from the address of this site, it’s just little things. Not major or fabulous events (not that I think there’ll be glamorous event in my life). Maybe once? During wedding day? *keepondreaming* πŸ˜‚ nope. I don’t expect much. I only want simple wedding. Simple but beautiful. 

For my wedding day.. I don’t want to be wasteful. Every presents must be something that is useful to the guest. Like rice.. Or detergent. Wedding + charity event?

Also, it is a trend now that the bride and the groom talk about how they meet each other. How and why they love each other. How to love after marriage. Etc etc. I don’t want that. Haha. It’s good to have secrets between us. Only both of us know and of course Allah. Even if the groom said, ‘I will love you forever’ in that video.. Is not something that I want. The video must be something that we shall watch every anniversary. Haha

The most important parts are:

1) The syarat. The one that imam give advice before the groom says aku terima nikahnya. (So that we remember the dos and don’ts) 

2) The moment when the groom says aku terima nikahnya. 

3) The third most important. I don’t want us to talk. Maybe just a little. Saying a thank you or terima kasih to each other. Haha. The ones who should be interviewed are our parents. The bride’s parents. And the groom’s parents. They have more experience than us. They have stayed together since we are borned. I would like to have their advice being recorded on our wedding day. They are old, and as we become older, they also become older. Their child’s happiness is also theirs. 

4) The siblings. Saying one or two words? Haha

5) Friends. One word? Haha

6) Guests. Silent. 

The reason I write about this is.. Everytime I watch the video.. I don’t even know who their parents are. I know it’s the day that they are the highlights of the event. At the same time, it seems that people too focus on love. I don’t want my children to see their parents hugging on the wedding day. I more like the children to see the wedding day as the day when their parents are celebrated around the people that they love aka their parents, family and friends. 

Okay.. What did I do on friday. Nothing much. I stayed at home the whole day. Cleaning the house. Playing with nieces and nephews. 

I paid haziqah to wash my hair. Only costs me $2.

I paid afifah, mahmud and ahmad to help me cleaning the fridge. Costs me $2 each. Haha. 

It was fun though. I love the feeling of clean. I love that before and after effect. And now I am getting used to bleach smell. 

And what makes me happy the most on that day is… I prayed earlier. Almost on time. I am usually worried.. I usually said it in my mind.. ‘Okay. Still got time. After I finish this and this. I pray.’ That’s not a good mindset. Terrible. 

Just think it like this. You have a boss. He said every 5 hours, you must finish this 10 mins task. If not, I deduct your salary. If you can do it within time limit, I give you salary. Of course you want to please your boss. And do it on time. 

This is your boss’s big boss. It’s like sultan’s boss. In fact, it’s every makhluk’s boss. Ha. Who are you to delay? I think.. It’s also easier for me to organize things. Like.. Okay, between zuhur and asar, what should I do. In prioritizing solat, above anything, you can be more productive. Less worrying. 😊 happy right? And if you bring other people into praying on time and early, you have less worry too, right? Something that is so simple but not many people practice it. I hope I can constantly remember to pray not only on time but as early as possible. 


Aha.. I wokr up. Determined to cook sambal pusu. Yay. Then I had meetings. Then hanafi asked if I want to join them to eat at Charcoal. 

Still found it awkward. I don’t know if it’s language boundary or something must be wrong with me. Ka wani said it was normal for her to feel shy. 

Hanafi’s brothers are okay. They are all boys. Haha. My nephews are naturally manja to me. But hanafi’s brothers.. I don’t actually know what to do. Should I be fun sister to them.. Or should I be a stern sister.. I usually dulur my nephews. To dulur hanafi’s brothers.. Is beyond my capabilities. I’m just kawan. πŸ˜…

Then I met Dilah! Long time no see. You still are the same to me.   

Look delicous? Maybe not yet. But it is delicous. Mwahaha  

I miss this little boy. Huhu

Again, mama, bapa and I went to Jerudong beach to buy some durians. I am happy. Alhamdulillah 😊 

Reunion and Reunion


Woke up 6ish in the morning. 

‘I need to clean’.

Ok.. Zzzz

7am. Oh no.. Have to wake and mop mop mop.

Bapa: Why didn’t you tell me earlier what order?


I decided to have mini makan makan, girls only event. I love gatherings. I love being connected. Though my presence is not the upmost important. That feeling of socializing a bit. Most probably I need that. 

Alhamdulillah, the original plan was actually mini event just for the oswestrians but I thought.. Alang alang to order food then only invite 4 of them. Then I invite more friends though not all. 

I love having them at my house, at the same time I feel a little bit tired. Moving around the house with only few helpers. Lina helped me a lot. In fact, she helps people a lot. She’s a ringan tangan person. Love to help people. 

And yes, we chit chat chit chat. And grah brought his ehem ehem but I forget to take their picture. Noo.. Missed the chance.


Zayd is so cute.. Wonder if I can actually handle kids while having a house to take care of and work full time, and be a supermom. Hmm.. Wow. 

Then Hanafi went to the house to take briyani tapau. Can he handle the spiciness. 😏

Sushii 😍😍😍 awesome mini makan makan by izyan. Especially for us. Aww.. It was a last minute decision, we only decided during lunch time? Thank you izyan for having us. Sorry I was late as always. 

Her adik, munirah, is soo cute and clever. 7yrs old just like ayub. 

Thank you girls! 😘 and thank you mama and bapa for being supportive. Alhamdulillah 😊

Excuse no more


Wow. Now I can’t type while bawing bawing. Hehe. I’m using my phone to write this blog. How cool is that? No more excuse not to write then. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Owhh.. And there’s emoticons too. Yayy 

I went to hospital with mama and bapa this morning after babysitting Fatih. I missed my anak buahs so much that I want to spend more time with them. It’s quite peaceful in the house and quiet too. But I’m not ready to have child on my own. I need to work first. 

We ate lunch at Bali Paradise (again. Haha. Don’t judge). Thinking how blessed am I to eat in the restaurant again with mama and bapa. Something that is only done with my other siblings only if there is special occasion. Really, our children will be busy with their own life in the future, so you need to work on your relationship with your spouse as you’re going to spend your time with him/her for the rest of your life (unless you have a ketinggalan child like me). We also met bapa and mama’s lecture at maktab. He’s 79 years old and can still walk and healthy. I believe those who use their brain more tends to be more healthy mentally and physically (my own theory. Heh) Dalil naqli: don’t stop learning till you die

Then I went to Hanafi’s friend’s girlfriend’s openhouse. Look at those three apostrophes! Good to know someone new but I can feel generation gaps there.  Oh well. I had fun. I think. There’s obvious differences in mindset or probably I’m the different one. πŸ˜‚

Then we went shopping together. Thank you Hanafi for accompanying me again.  

Hehe. I like this picture. Thanks Bash.


Fiqah invited us to her mini open house. Everyone is probably anxiously waiting for the one I think (except Kimah and I and Izyan, haha) since they have everything (degrees/masters/job). Pick up lines, office open house, calon were the main topics. Hmm.. I am okay maybe because I think.. I already have hanafi even though he’s not my bf.. Only calon πŸ™Š

Alhamdulillah. And hanafi, when you’re reading this, don’t be so kambang. ❀️

We celebrate eid one whole month. Yes, we do.



Went to Syaz’s open house. Can’t believe it’s already 4 years since I left Imperial and it only seems like yesterday. Hehe. Kidding. I would say.. Only Allah knows the best what his plan for me is. I may not know everything just yet but I can see I made good friends when I was in UK. Alhamdulillah.


And yes, I was late for Yana’s new house doa selamat. The sunset was beautiful. MasyaAllah. I didn’t know (or I wasn’t that appreciative as I am now) that Brunei has beautiful sunset. I took the picture when I was driving in front of the soon to be Brunei Main Police Office. Too dangerous and risky. Only I can do it. hehe


Here Fatih with his very gigitan posed.


Both Yana and Ish family gathering. We were sharing food (or fighting? haha) like people who are fasting.


Look at that. Macam cucur panas. Me as a Halal Barista, more to like Marista (Milo + creamer). Hehe. Next time I shall sell it $5 each.

And have to bring 8 large milo kutak instead of 3. And 5 creamer instead of 2. I forgot I have 26 anak buahs to serve. haha


Azraf with his unique play house. Kids nowadays. Again, every little things deserved alhamdulillah.

PS, Hanafi thanks for coming. πŸ™‚