26th Birthday 


Yesterday was my birthday. I did say that I wanted to spend time with mama and bapa for my birthday, but bapa said, ‘Sudah jua kami sambut masa bbq. Ia tah sudah tu.’ 

Fiinee.. Haha. It was majlis doa kesyukuran and tolak bala. So I decided to spend time with grah, amal and hanafi in the afternoon. ☺️

Grah said it’s the first time we celebrated together in 7 years. She forgot that we did celebrate once, in 2010, cause I had an open house for raya on my birthday. 

14th September 2010, was my 21st birthday. It was also the day when my Imperial College result was out, resit results. I was quite calm, it was my birthday and I didn’t want to ruin anything. 

I cried yesterday’s morning. Thinking of how little was my accomplishment. I haven’t accomplished anything, I think. Academically I got 2.1 Degree for Petroleum Engineering, but it’s useless if I am not being offered with jobs. I don’t even have masters.. Yet. But they said this, if we are applying for the position that needs degree, that’s what you will get for your salary, degrees’ salary even if you have masters. Bapa gave example if I were to work as cleaners, you won’t get degrees salary but only cleaners salary. 

Everyone’s rizq is given only by Allah. I can only hope and pray and work hard in self improvement I guess. 

I was happy yesterday. Reading at everyone’s wishes.. I want to help people more. Not because I love to being appreciated (I do love it though but not my upmost reason) but because I love the feeling of being able to help people. 
Like what rasulullah said, ‘The best of you is the one who are being helpful to others.’ 

I want to achive that. At the same time I want to help myself too. 

  13 years together and more to come, insyaAllah. I feel blessed sorrounded with good friends. 

I thought.. All my friends are kind, alhamdulillah. They are not perfect. I know that. But somehow I managed to oversee the imperfections and forgot their mistakes. How important it is to husnuszonn with our friends. So we lack of those negative feelings and support each other. 
  And thank you Hanafi. For being the sweetest guy that I know (after bapa, haha). For being patience with me through ups and downs in my life. Through my PMS season and emotionally weird. Thank you for yesterday. ❤️  

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